Knowledge Base

How do I use EAD in Appraise-It Pro?

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On August 5th, 2019 (This has since been delayed until further notice), The Federal Housing Authority will begin enforcing the proper formatting of delivered reports to the EAD ruleset and the inclusion of a self signed EAD digital certificate.

Though you may have been delivering EAD reports for a while, these requirements have been optional until now.

Though the rules for FHA’s EAD are very similar to UAD, when doing a report for EAD delivery, make sure you select the FHA ruleset in the validator panel instead of UCDP to ensure it is checking your report properly.

When you are ready to generate your MISMO XML for delivery to FHA, using your EAD certificate is very simple. Go to the Orders menu and click on Create MISMO.

The first time you begin the XML creation process for an EAD formatted report, your digital certificate will be created for you automatically. The only thing you will need to do is check a checkbox to include the certificate.

Create your MISMO XML as you normally would, but make sure you check this check box here for “Enable FHA Digital Signature”. The program will keep this box checked for next time, and you shouldn’t ever need to un-check it. Even non-EAD reports can contain an EAD security certificate. It’s just ignored if not needed.


Rev. 9/2019


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Last Updated
June 05, 2019